微表 4/16 莱克星顿爱国者日游行报名 (Patriots Day Parade)
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4/16 莱克星顿爱国者日游行报名 (Patriots Day Parade)

4/16 莱克星顿爱国者日游行报名 (Patriots Day Parade)
CAAL LexParade18.WeForm.net 2019-03-03
Mon. 4/16/18 13:00 to 16:00 EST
We will be lined up around Wilson Farm while the parade will start at East Lexington Fire Station
Parade Starting Point: Near intersection of Mass Ave and Maple St
参加游行的队伍很长,我们的方阵大约会排在Wilson Farm附近, 注意4/16当天的通知。(There are many marching units. Our plac
Total: Free signed up



报名请用以下微表。丽人分队,夕阳红分队,小铁人分队, 舞龙分队,和游行家庭小分队有各自的注册部分。希望您和家人积极参与!

The annual Patriot’s Day celebration and parade is a tradition of Lexington. Chinese Americans of Lexington have been actively participating every year. On this special day, we join our fellow Americans to celebrate our democracy and freedom, cherish our hard-earned peace and good life, and show our pride to be part of this great town and great country!

This year, the Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) is organizing another major event. We will have multiple sub-teams in our parade formation, including Youth Marching Band, Qipao Ladies, Shining Seniors, Minuteman@Lex Triathlon, Dragon Dance, and Proud Families. We welcome you and your family to join us in the parade!

Date: Monday, April 16th, 1-4PM
Venue: Near Wilson Farm. We will keep you posted.

Bring your family, bring your friends! Join us to celebrate the 243rd year of Lexington's Pride!

地点:起点在 East Lexington Fire Station (Mass Ave & Maple Street) 。因为游行队伍很长,我们方阵的具体起点位置,当天才会确定,我们会通知您。根据以往经验,我们的方阵大约会在Wilson Farm附近。(There are many marching units. Our placement in the lineup will be around Wilson Farm.)

欢迎大家在爱国者日星期一那天,呼朋唤友,携家带口,加入我们华人的行列,共同庆祝第243届莱克星顿之战的游行庆典。请您在此登记, 以便我们及时将游行的具体细节(如停车、集合地点等)通知给您。多谢!

【游行时间】下午 1点15分 - 4点之前结束 (1点15分报到,游行2点开始)
【游行路线】总游行队伍起点从East Lexington Fire Station 附近的麻省大道和Maple street 交界处步行至勒星顿镇中心的绿地,约两英里。Our placement in the lineup will be around Wilson Farm.
【着装要求】红色、蓝色、白色是爱国者日的颜色主题,衣着请尽量在这三种颜色中选择。当然只要主色调是这三种颜色就可以,不需要过分追求就是这三种颜色。Red, White & Blue are our dress code.

2:00 - 游行正式开始,沿麻省大道步行约2.5英里,到达镇中心绿地,终点在Worthen Rd和镇游泳池停车场。
游行那天Mass. Ave.提早两个小时就封了,车开不进去的,大家要统一从高中坐镇里提供的班车到Wilson Farm下车。班车每几分钟就开一班,很方便的,请大家从高中上班车。

Shuttle Bus:
A shuttle bus is available between the Lexington High School parking lot and the parade check-in desk. The first shuttle leaves the High School at 11:45 a.m. and the last shuttle leaves the High School at 1:30 p.m. Those using the shuttle may park in the High School parking lot, a short walk from where the parade terminates.
b. Drop Off:
Your unit may be dropped off at the start of the parade by following Marrett Road (Route 2A) East to Follen Road Take a right on Follen Road (just prior National Heritage Museum) and follow to the end at the Pleasant Street rotary. Parade participants may be dropped off here. Your transportation however must return to the Lexington High School Parking Lot.

一般游行人数报名 (Other Participants)

游行家庭分队 Proud Families

丽人分队 Qipao Ladies

小铁人分队 Minuteman@Lex Triathlon

夕阳红分队 Shining Seniors

舞龙分队 Dragon Dance





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A: 微表是一套智能的在线表单系统,由微表公众号/WeForm.net提供,可用于活动注册,电子商务或投票调查等。微表和社交系统比如微信,Facebook等深度整合,可以作为强有力的工具收集用户信息,和几亿用户交流互动。

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Public Comments:

点评微表: 提交后可以点评得奖金.
问题: 不确定会不会穿汉服啊,看天气。- 2018-04-15 22:29 2202天18小时41分钟
问题: i am very happy to join us- 2018-03-30 00:36 2219天16小时34分钟
问题: i am very happy to join us- 2018-03-30 00:35 2219天16小时35分钟
问题: Yeah!- 2018-03-28 09:13 2221天7小时57分钟
问题: Charlie will join the band and play saxophone.- 2017-04-15 10:19 2568天6小时52分钟



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