WeForm.net Group Sale Template
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Group Sale Template

Group Sale Template
TG.WeForm.net 2021-04-19
Deadline: Mon. 1/18/38 00:00 EST -
Total: 4 signed up
Shared by Friend - Jay

Create your own Weform as easy as 1-2-3:
  1. On the bottom of this page, click Copy this WeForm and confirm;
  2. Click Modify on the newly appeared menu;
  3. Edit details and Save WeForm to publish it using its unique domain or QRcode.

Pick Up Location*
Location 1
Location 2

Pick Up Date/Time
Date/Time 1
Date/Time 2

Item Name

Quantity Decrease Quantity Increase

Quantity Increase

Sold 9 Left 91

Your Name*

Your Mobile Phone

Your Email*

Your WeChat ID

Payment Method*
Please select the payment method to pay

You may log in to view your balance.

Anonymous Submit

Minimum quantity limit: 1



WeForm FAQ:

Q: What is WeForm?
A: WeForm is a smart online form system to connect people. It could be used for event registration, e-commerce & survey etc. Integrated with social network such as WeChat and Facebook, WeForm is a powerful tool to collect user information and interact with billions of users.

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点评微表: 提交后可以点评得奖金.

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