WeForm.net Light Up Lincoln! Donation Form
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Light Up Lincoln! Donation Form
Light Up Lincoln! Donation Form
CAAL LightUp.WeForm.net 2017-09-05
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Lincoln Park
100 Lincoln St
Lexington MA 02421
Total: $7,520.00 signed up

Dear All,

Since 2010, Lexington’s K-8 student population has increased by 11%. However, open space dedicated to athletic use has actually diminished in Lexington over the last 10 years. An effective solution is to install permanent lights on Lincoln Field, so that kids can have more time to play sports. Historically, comparable projects were privately funded, such as the baseball lights on Center Field. Lexington residents are now raising $550K to self-fund this project.

The Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) is actively participating in this fundraising. We plan to donate all funds to the Project by end of June, as a symbol of support of the Chinese American residents. All donations are tax deductible. Project details can be found at http://lightuplincoln.org

Let's team up to contribute to our community!

If CAAL can donate $5,000, its name will be on the plaque at the park when the project is done to recognize businesses and community organizations.

Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL)
Donation Amount*
Your Input:

Company Match?
Your donation is to Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) - IRS 501(c)(3) organization. If your company has a match program, please consult your own company and provide the following information: Chinese American Association of Lexington EIN 46-2998909 PO Box 453 Lexington, MA 02420 contact@caal-ma.org

Donated already?
If you have donated this amount via lightuplincoln.org directly, please indicate here.


Your Name*

Your Email*

Payment Method*
Please select the payment method to pay
Credit CardPayPal
PayPal Send Money to Friends

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Anonymous Submit

Total price limit: $10,000.00 Left: $2,480.00
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点评微表: 提交后可以点评得奖金.
Inquiry: 3- 2017-06-05 07:29 2809Days 6Hours 56Minutes
Inquiry: 3- 2017-06-05 07:28 2809Days 6Hours 57Minutes
Inquiry: Donation to Light Up Lincoln from Jessie Chen- 2017-05-11 19:10 2833Days 19Hours 15Minutes

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