WeForm.net CAAL Lunar New Year Gala Performance
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CAAL Lunar New Year Gala Performance

CAAL Lunar New Year Gala Performance
CAAL Gala19.WeForm.net 2019-11-18
WeForm Event has ended.
Sun. 2/10/19 18:00 to 21:00 EST
Cary Hall
1605 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexington MA 02421
Total: 805signed up

On Sunday, February 10, 2019, CAAL will once again be hosting our Lunar New Year Celebration at Cary Hall. In years past, we have been honored to share Chinese culture, tradition and arts with hundreds of Lexington residents and guests. This year we will showcase Greater Boston area’s talents in dancing, singing, Peking Opera and many other performing arts in collaboration with Town of Lexington and Korean American Organization of Lexington. We are expecting hundreds of Lexingtonians and people from Greater Boston area from all ethnic backgrounds to join the celebration! We are excited to invite you to join this event!

It's free to sign up and you will obtain your electronic ticket to check in.
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Sold 780 Over Sold 180

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点评微表: 提交后可以点评得奖金.
Inquiry: Please click cancel under action on the above menus. Thanks!- 2019-02-10 16:42 2193Days 20Hours 40Minutes
Inquiry: Have to cancel and pls give them to other people. Thx- 2019-02-10 16:40 2193Days 20Hours 42Minutes
Inquiry: I didn’ Know we got tickets. We need to cancel these 4 tickets.- 2019-02-10 16:37 2193Days 20Hours 46Minutes
Inquiry: We had tickets already.- 2019-02-10 16:37 2193Days 20Hours 46Minutes
所有用户 Answer: Please read this IMPORTANT notice about the CAAL Lunar New Year Gala Performance!
Check-In Time: 6:00pm-6:30pm Sunday 2/10/2019
Address: Cary Hall @1605 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington MA 02421
Show time: 6:30pm Sunday 2/10/2019
  1. If you need to cancel or reduce your reserved ticket, please edit your WeForm and submit. Your kindness will be appreciated as we have many people on the waiting list.
  2. Please PRINT your ticket for all the attendees in your reservation. Ticket is required at check-in.
  3. Please arrive on time. Check-in is between 6:00pm and 6:30pm. Early check-in is recommended for better seating and qualification for limited number of FreshGoGo gift vouchers.
  4. No Food or Beverage allowed in Cary Hall.
  5. Parking is not allowed in the lot behind the Police Station as it is used for polica functions. We suggest guests park at Municipal Parking @ 13 Edison Way, Lexington, MA 02420
  6. Please check in as a group or family to ensure your seats to be next to each other. We expect a full house attendance and no seat could be reserved by clothes, etc.
  7. Bathroom is in the basement downstairs.
  8. Dress code: Festive.

报到时间: 6:00pm-6:30pm 周日 2/10/2019
地点: Cary Hall @1605 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington MA 02421
表演时间: 6:30pm 周日 2/10/2019
  1. 如果您需要取消或降低票数,请修改微表后提交, 感谢您的爱心,还有很多人在等待名单上等票。
  2. 打印出纸质票并且剪开,每个人都需要一张纸质票。
  3. 请准时报到,报到时间为6:00pm到6:30pm,早到者可以选择更好的座位,并且可以领取数量有限的FreshGoGo礼品券.
  4. Cary Hall里面不允许有任何食物和饮料.
  5. 旁边的警察局后面不允许停车,我们建议停在 Municipal Parking @ 13 Edison Way, Lexington, MA 02420
  6. 请尽可能一个家庭或团体集体报到,以便您们能够坐在相连的座位,本晚会座位全部被预定,请不用用衣服或其他东西占座, 希望大家能够互相照顾与体贴。
  7. Cary Hall的洗手间坐落在地下室那一层, 是从进门的前厅下到地下一层。
  8. 请穿上您漂亮的节日服装和全镇各族人民一起欢度春节晚会.
- 2019-02-10 14:01 2193Days 23Hours 22Minutes

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