WeForm.net Add or Withdraw Balance
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Add or Withdraw Balance
Add or Withdraw Balance
Fund.WeForm.net 2024-01-12

Submit to add or withdraw your balance, which could be used to pay for any WeForm orders.

Add Fund
  1. Please enter an amount and select a payment method to pay.
  2. PayPal credit card payment will be instantly added to your WeFormbalance. Other payment methodswill be addedwithin 24 hours.
Withdraw Fund
  1. Please enter your withdrawal information.
  2. We will charge a fee of 0.9% plus $0.99 for each withdrawal. You may keep your balance to pay for anyWeForm orders.
  3. We will process your request within 3 business days.

Add Balance
Withdraw Balance


Your Name

Your Mobile Phone*

Your Email*

Payment Method*
Please select the payment method to pay
WeChat Pay

You may log in to view your balance.

Anonymous Submit

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WeForm FAQ:

Q: What is WeForm?
A: WeForm is a smart online form system to connect people. It could be used for event registration, e-commerce & survey etc. Integrated with social network such as WeChat and Facebook, WeForm is a powerful tool to collect user information and interact with billions of users.

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点评微表: 提交后可以点评得奖金.

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