Since EA Education has moved our office location to Lexington in 2018, we added many tutoring programs, which include reading comprehension,academic writing and writing competition,various math level tutoring,various AP classes ,especially SAT advanced class which aimed to provide short-term advanced training to students who are going to take tests soon. There were many students who got a big improvement on the SAT test, some even got full score 1600! We are also really proud that many students got accepted into top colleges and high schools through our help. Due to COVID-19, there have been many changes to our life and student’s academic life including changes of colleges’ admission requirements. In Spring of 2024, we will have more classes coming out!
美东教育咨询公司(EA Education)自从2018年把办公室扩展在Lexington后,增加了许多培训项目,包括英文阅读, 学术写作与写作比赛,不同水平的数学辅导,各类AP课程,特别开设SAT强化班,专门在每次考前为学生进行短期强化训练,帮助学生在短期内有突破性提高,并有学生取得满分的成绩。今年不少被名校录取的一些学生是我们美东教育的学生,特别开心能够帮助学生取得这些好成绩!虽然2020-2022年由于COVID19疫情的影响,改变很多我们的学习与生活, 包括大学录取的条件的变化. 2024年夏季会陆续推出更多的课程, 为大家服务!
In 2024,EA Education is offering SAT class, AP prep classes, literature and writing class, writing competition,public speaking and debate class, school application counseling services, etc. EA Education focuses on helping students improve their soft skills such as critical thinking skills, analysis skills, communication and presentation skills, and writing skills. We believe these classes would benefit students in these fields.
EA Education can also conduct customized or self-organized small classes including school application counseling services.
For specific course content and teacher introduction, please follow our Wechat Official Account or click on the link below:
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To better serve you, we offer free consultation (half an hour), free English proficiency assessment (30-45 minutes), free SAT/ACT/SSAT/TOEFL test (3 hours or more)
Feel free to contact us (如有需要, 请随时联系美东教育):
Phone(电话): 781-860-3799
Address(地址):430 Marrett Rd., 2nd Floor, Lexington, MA 02421
感兴趣的请加微信进我们服务群,讲座群,演说和辩论群或SAT/ACT群, 暑期课程群。
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A: WeForm is a smart online form system to connect people. It could be used for event registration, e-commerce & survey etc. Integrated with social network such as WeChat and Facebook, WeForm is a powerful tool to collect user information and interact with billions of users.
Inquiry: We would like to take one SAT mock test on 8/20/2024- 2024-07-21 02:30 206Days 11Hours 16Minutes
Inquiry: Please send all course info schedule material to Min Sha (Parent)
Wechat: Julian-Basel
Phone: 617-485-8436
Please send course zoom link directly to Student (Julian Ooi)
Email: Please do not send to his Wechat
Or you can send everything to Julian Ooi email and copy Min Sha
Thank you.
- 2024-01-03 21:31 405Days 15Hours 16Minutes