WeForm.net 纽约有机新鲜蘑菇团购-自取/送货上门
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Mary.WeForm.net 2024-02-29
WeForm Ended: 2/28/24 00:00 EST
New York, USA
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Shared by Friend - Joe

Hi, we are from New York, specialized in organic mushroom of high quality.

Our mushrooms are produced 100% locally in the United States, picked and packed in the morning, and then delivered by refrigerated trucks. There is no cold storage in the middle, and the delivery vehicles are disinfected every day.

Mushrooms are a good product for improving immunity. We provide quality mushrooms at a lower price than before the pandemic.

Thank you for your support, I hope our fresh and beautiful mushrooms bring you a good mood. I wish you all happy and safe!

Order Process:
  1. Choose the pick-up location and the quantity of mushrooms to submit WeForm;
  2. Follow the instruction to complete the online payment. After you submit the payment information/screenshot, pleas wait for the payment status update; If you need to modify the quantity, please return to this page to submit the modification. If the total price changes, you can repay the difference;
  3. We will deliver to your door as soon as we can.

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上海名吃 蟹壳黄 葱香咸烧饼 5包 360克/包
蟹壳黄是用发酵面加油酥制成的皮加馅的酥饼。刚出炉的蟹壳黄呈褐褐色,黄色吃到嘴里有酥、松、香的口感,因饼的颜色与形状酷似煮熟的蟹壳而得名蟹壳黄。最初的蟹壳黄是用油酥加酵面作坯,先制成扁圆形小饼,外沾一层芝麻,贴在烘干炉壁上烘烤而成。蟹壳黄的皮料的制作是做这一点心的关键。降低面皮的筋性,从而使制作出来的蟹壳黄真正达到“入口酥皮纷纷下”的效果。 $30.00 You Save: $2.00 (7%)

以色列蜜橘 22磅/盒
$70.00 You Save: $5.00 (7%)

以色列蜜橘 12磅/盒
$35.00 You Save: $10.00 (29%)

上海名吃 蟹壳黄 葱香咸烧饼 3包 360克/包
蟹壳黄是用发酵面加油酥制成的皮加馅的酥饼。刚出炉的蟹壳黄呈褐褐色,黄色吃到嘴里有酥、松、香的口感,因饼的颜色与形状酷似煮熟的蟹壳而得名蟹壳黄。最初的蟹壳黄是用油酥加酵面作坯,先制成扁圆形小饼,外沾一层芝麻,贴在烘干炉壁上烘烤而成。蟹壳黄的皮料的制作是做这一点心的关键。降低面皮的筋性,从而使制作出来的蟹壳黄真正达到“入口酥皮纷纷下”的效果。 $20.00 You Save: $3.00 (15%)

有机紧嫩 鸭翅中 3磅/袋 2袋
$42.00 You Save: $6.00 (14%)

以色列蜜橘 2盒 12磅左右/盒
$70.00 You Save: $20.00 (29%)

以色列蜜橘 2盒 7公斤左右/盒
$70.00 You Save: $20.00 (29%)

天妇罗 鸡胸肉块 2袋 (5磅/袋)
$70.00 You Save: $10.00 (14%)

亿万两 汉点礼盒 20粒/盒 2盒
御丹波、蛋黄酥、太阳饼、凤梨酥、夏威夷果牛奶糖。 金牌独家、气派首选。 $70.00 You Save: $10.00 (14%)

奥尔维亚 精选鸭腿 2袋(3磅/6个/袋)
$70.00 You Save: $6.00 (9%)

桂冠火锅饺 5盒 120克/盒
口感自然,风味最鲜美;全程HACCP 生产管控,品质最好,安心又健康。 以传统古法制作,并远从美国阿拉斯加引进的优质狭鳕鱼浆来制作鱼饺皮;遵循古法制程,并透过最细腻的自动化制作工序,将来自天然纯净渔场、肉质鲜美的鳕鱼浆,经过反覆延压出不到0.1公分的薄皮,不仅吃起来细致、Q弹有嚼劲,又充满海鲜的原味。 $20.00 You Save: $5.00 (25%)

桂冠花枝饺 5盒 10粒/盒
$20.00 You Save: $5.00 (25%)

桂冠蛋饺 5盒
真材实料,完全不掺粉,更不添加防腐剂,口感自然,风味最鲜美;全程HACCP 生产管控,品质最好,安心又健康。 桂冠蛋饺采用新鲜鸡蛋透过均匀的热力,煎烤出一片片金黄色的蛋皮,在蛋液尚未完全凝固的时候,填入内馅后翻面定型煎熟,是极花功夫的一道佳肴。 $20.00 You Save: $5.00 (25%)

小牛犊嫩肩肉块 2袋 (3磅/袋)
$50.00 You Save: $6.00 (12%)

黄老五 清真花生酥 8包 168g/包
清真黄老五花生酥,其制作工艺被命名为非物质文化遗产。民间艺人经一百余年的千锤百炼凝聚的配方,具有甜、白、香、酥、脆的五大特色。坚持传统古法制作,甜而不腻,酥而化渣。三年销售超8亿颗! $25.00 You Save: $5.00 (20%)

清真无骨牛坑腩 2袋 (2磅/袋)
$50.00 You Save: $10.00 (20%)

天妇罗 鸡胸肉块 1袋 (5磅/袋)
$35.00 You Save: $5.00 (14%)

金钱键 1包( 1.5-2磅/2条/包)
$25.00 You Save: $5.00 (20%)

金钱腱 1包( 1.5-2磅/2条/包)
$25.00 You Save: $5.00 (20%)

有机 东北酸菜丝 5包 1磅/包
$20.00 You Save: $5.00 (25%)

东北黄小米 2包 2磅/包
东北黄小米,来自中国东北黑土地,日照时间长,成熟期长,匠心甄选,米粒均匀,圆润饱满易煮,色泽金黄,米油粘稠,香甜软糯,营养养胃。 $25.00 You Save: $5.00 (20%)

Amish King‘s 鲜嫩多汁鸡肉饼 2袋 (8个/袋)
$20.00 You Save: $5.00 (25%)

陕西白吉馍 4包 4个/包
纯手工打制,炉火烤制的白饼,外皮脆内柔香,钢圈虎背菊花心。肉夹馍、泡馍,蒸炸煎烤随心所欲。 $23.00 You Save: $5.00 (22%)

铁棍山药 5磅左右

(5星, 2点评)

(特价)原香黑苦荞茶 4瓶 (8.4oz/瓶)
苦荞主要生长在海拔3000米的四川大凉山,绿色天然,纯净无染。所含的生物类黄酮如芦丁(维生素P)和烟酸(维生素P P)非常丰富。其中的黑苦荞产量极低,尤为珍贵。黑苦荞含有大量的可溶性膳食纤维被民间称为“净肠草”。亦可杀菌消炎,有“消炎粮食”的美称。 当地农户采摘新鲜的苦荞,通过5次精工筛选,漂洗、浸泡、风干等10道工艺。加工时,苦荞茶保留了带胚芽的荞麦,麦粒香味被炒制出来,已无一丝苦味,入口满是清甜,整个过程也没有其它添加剂。 日本人平均寿命连续20多年世界第一,整个日本的肥胖率还不到4%,苦荞茶就是他们的秘诀之一。 $30.00 You Save: $3.00 (10%)

陕西潼关肉夹馍(馍胚)4包 6个/包

有机糖炒栗子 5包 1磅/包
小巷口有机糖炒栗子 正宗的燕山板栗,市面上很难买到。 北纬40°燕山山脉有机栽培的良乡板栗,用古法粗砂及糖稀反复翻炒而成。产地现炒直送,完美保留了街头小巷口现炒的完美风味! 燕山地区板栗以皮薄,米黄,香糯著称,栗子普遍不会太大,但是满口香甜。解冻后就可以直接吃了,烤箱烤一下风味更佳。 $35.00 You Save: $3.00 (9%)

合时牌蚕豆 (Jumbo size) 4包
春季吃豆胜吃肉。蚕豆号称“补脑豆”带皮吃,营养更丰富,防老年痴呆,让大脑更年轻。合时牌大粒蚕豆,农场采摘,新鲜速冻直送。人工挑选Jumbo size, 粒粒饱满大颗,色泽鲜亮均匀,颗粒完整,营养丰富,可制作多款美食,推荐几款料理:青炒蚕豆、珍菌烩蚕豆、蚕豆炒蛋、葱油蚕豆

香平组合 4磅

香菇 3磅

(5星, 1点评)

平菇 3磅

(4星, 1点评)

黄平菇 3磅/箱

(4.5星, 2点评)

Maitake 灰树花 3磅/箱


香菇菌棒 1个

(1星, 1点评)


  • You will not be able to modify the pick-up point after the order deadline;
  • If your product is insufficient or for any other reasons, your agree to the merchant to cancel part or all of your order and get a refund
  • If The pick-up point you selected was canceled, and you agree that we will change to the nearest pick-up point
  • You agree to complete the online payment before the order deadline, and enter the pick-up WeChat group to track the pick-up information
  • Do not disclose your pick-up address to others
  • Sorry, fresh mushrooms cannot be sold again, so no refund。Please consume as soon as possible
  • WeForm only provides platform use and will not be responsible for any disputes between you and the merchant

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Anonymous Submit

Minimum quantity limit: 1
Question? Contact Us
WeForm Ended: 2/28/24 00:00 EST
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WeForm FAQ:

Q: What is WeForm?
A: WeForm is a smart online form system to connect people. It could be used for event registration, e-commerce & survey etc. Integrated with social network such as WeChat and Facebook, WeForm is a powerful tool to collect user information and interact with billions of users.

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点评微表: (5星, 1点评) 提交后可以点评得奖金.
Inquiry: paid #2358 lise- 2023-10-02 15:27 208Days 14Hours 44Minutes
Inquiry: 送货上门 谢谢 #1584 Danielle - 2023-01-27 23:06 456Days 6Hours 5Minutes
Inquiry: 这次的灰树花水份多,香味缺失。 #1746 Weide Wang- 2022-02-16 12:58 801Days 16Hours 13Minutes
Inquiry: Mushroom Quality is excellent! #897 Jun Guo- 2021-04-12 13:36 1111Days 16Hours 35Minutes
Inquiry: Mushrooms are extremely fresh. Great value. #929 Cathy - 2021-03-30 19:33 1124Days 10Hours 38Minutes

铁棍山药 5磅左右
5星, 2点评
Wendy Liu
口感非常好,很细、糯糯的,有些甜味,从来没吃过这么好吃的山药,家人都很喜欢。 3/13/2024
Bought for my kids. They absolutely love it 3/26/2023
香菇 3磅
5星, 1点评
Lilly Li
很新鲜 1/17/2022
平菇 3磅
4星, 1点评
饱满新鲜,做面疙瘩,打汤和豆腐红烧都非常美味。还会再买 12/10/2020
黄平菇 3磅/箱
4.5星, 2点评
Limei Cheng
第一次黄平菇很好,第二次的黄平菇很臭,以至于一起炖的肉和汤都有臭味 3/13/2021
Shenglan Yuan
我们都特别喜欢黄平菇,非常美味! 1/30/2021
Amy Lee
第一次購杏鮑菇,新鮮,吃了安心,推薦! 2/20/2021
培植了两次,没几个长出来的. 不值得. 还是买鲜鲜的好 3/9/2021
1星, 1点评
非常难吃,比牛皮筋都硬 4/23/2023
5星, 1点评
灰樹花极香,每次必訂 2/18/2021
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