Please sign up to volunteer for help or request for help of essential needs (medical, foods etc) during this special period of fighting againstCOVID-19.
Once you sign up to help, you will receive a confirmation email. Then once we have needs coming up, we will contact you. When you volunteer, please protect yourself and the other people by wearing masks, gloves and avoiding direct contact, eg. by leaving things on front porch.
Once you put in a request for help, you will first receive a confirmation email. Once we have a volunteer ready, we will contact you for more info.
Q: What is WeForm?
A: WeForm is a smart online form system to connect people. It could be used for event registration, e-commerce & survey etc. Integrated with social network such as WeChat and Facebook, WeForm is a powerful tool to collect user information and interact with billions of users.
Inquiry: I would be able to help deliver food or anything foods related activities for people who need help, on my none working time - 2020-03-19 21:58 1790Days 14Hours 57Minutes
Inquiry: Thanks so much for doing this! Couldn't tell if the sign up list of 70 are the people who already signed up to help or if there is a need for the services listed and checking the box means signing up for them. There are other "Mutual Aid" groups organizing but not in Lexington that include other services:
- 2020-03-17 15:45 1792Days 21Hours 10Minutes
Inquiry: Thank you for organizing us!- 2020-03-14 20:59 1795Days 15Hours 55Minutes
Inquiry: I would be happy to help if there is need during this crazy time!- 2020-03-14 20:48 1795Days 16Hours 6Minutes