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Lexington Community Help Request / Volunteer Sign Up Public Page Lexington Community Help Request / Volunteer Sign Up [Covid19Help]
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Processing 3/26/20
Protective ewuipment for my nephews eife who is doctor at Lahey
Processed 4/3/20
Pick Up Medicine
4/03/2020 13:00 Fri
Processed 5/11/20
5/11/2020 23:00 Mon
Summary 3
Option Statistics
Please select sign up type Statistics #1 (3) Waiting listProcessingConfirmedProcessedChecked InArchivedCancelled
[1]I need help - Need Free Face Mask? Please click here: 3 (100%) 12
Your Pricinct Statistics #12 (3) Waiting listProcessingConfirmedProcessedChecked InArchivedCancelled
[6]6: 1 (33.33%) 1
[8]8: 2 (66.67%) 2
Help category Statistics #2 (3) Waiting listProcessingConfirmedProcessedChecked InArchivedCancelled
[medicine]Pick Up Medicine: 1 (33.33%) 1

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Lexington Community Help Request / Volunteer Sign Up URL: Covid19Help.WeForm.net
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