WeForm.net T Shirt Donation for Water Station
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T Shirt Donation for Water Station

T Shirt Donation for Water Station
CAAL Water.WeForm.net 2023-06-01
Total: 30 signed up

The Minuteman Bikeway is one of the most enjoyable places for residents for healthy recreation activities, including bicycling, walking, and running. However, no water fountain is provided in the Arlington–Lexington section of the path. Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) is partnering with Lexington HEY Runners Club to raise funds to establish a water fountain. Join us to make the Minuteman Bikeway a better summer-friendly place!
Pick Up Location*
Lexington Depot

2022 5K T shirt
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L: Quantity Decrease Quantity IncreaseQuantity Increase

M: Quantity Decrease Quantity IncreaseQuantity Increase
Sold 4
S: Quantity Decrease Quantity IncreaseQuantity Increase
Sold 4
2023 5K T Shirt
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S: Quantity Decrease Quantity IncreaseQuantity Increase
Sold 7 Left 5
XS: Quantity Decrease Quantity IncreaseQuantity Increase
Sold 10 Left 12
Additional donation
Any amount is appreciated.


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点评微表: 提交后可以点评得奖金.
Inquiry: please delete my first unsuccessful payment- 2023-06-07 21:30 615Days 16Hours 48Minutes

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